AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.  Founded in 1881, we are 170,000 strong!

The Mt. Vernon Branch was founded in 1956.  We meet monthly, usually the third Thursday, from September through June.  Our programs and activities reinforce the vision of AAUW.  We would love for you to visit with us any time! 


Learn About Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)
October 15, 2024 1:30 P.M.Sherwood Hall Library
2501 Sherwood Hall Lane, Alexandria, VA  22306

Come join us for an informative session on RCV which will include:
             • what it is
             • why and how it can strengthen democracy
             • what Virginia can/and cannot do with RCV
             • a look at where and how RCV has been used elsewhere in US
             • what is happening in Arlington & Charlottesville with RCV
            • what folks can do now (in Fairfax, Alexandria City)

The presentation will include a voting tabulation activity with the attendees
and conclude with a Q&A session.

Our Speakers:

     Liz White                              Chris DeRosa                          Janice Morris
Upvote Va                        League of Women Voters of Arlington/Alexandria

The meeting is free and open to the public.



AAUW advocates increased support for and protection of programs that meet the needs of girls and women in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education, including strong promotion of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.

AAUW Mt. Vernon STEM Resource List


Mt. Vernon Branch is a 4-Star Branch!  We earned our stars in Programs, Advancement, Communications & External Relations, and Public Policy & Research. 



Take action on issues impacting women and girls by joining AAUW’s Action Network. As a Two-Minute Activist, you will receive urgent email notices when your advocacy is needed most. We’ll provide all the tools you need to call or send messages to your members of Congress, write letters to the editor for your local newspapers, contact your state legislators about pressing issues, and more.



In 2018, AAUW adopted its strategic plan, providing the foundation and vision to advance gender equity for women and girls. Since then, we’ve achieved many milestones toward our goals. As we approach 2021, we’ve honed in on key areas where AAUW can continue to lead with an improved set of strategic objectives — call it the 2.0 version — that align with the enormous social, political and organizational changes we’ve seen since in the past two years.

AAUW Strategic Plan


AAUW Stands Against Racism

AAUW joins the country in mourning the losses of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and countless other people of color who have been unjustly killed across our nation. Our country needs healing. But healing will only come with justice. As an organization we condemn racism. Read more here.

We have a variety of active groups in which our members participate.  Our group activities build cohesion and enable us to work together extremely well to achieve the AAUW Vision.

  • Take a look at our newsletters and see what all our branch is doing. 
  • Take a look at our programs.  Stay tuned for the 2023-2024 program schedule.
  • Scroll below and read about some of our past programs.
  • Under the About Us tab, you will find the schedules for our book group, fundraiser and other activities.

By joining AAUW, you can belong to an organization that works to break through educational and economic barriers so that all women have an equal opportunity.


In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks an inclusive membership, workforce, leadership team, and board of directors. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, geographical location, national origin, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

Take Work Smart Online-Free!

We marched!

AAUW Mt Vernon Branch members participated in the Women’s March on Washington on January 21, 2017!

 Gathering at the Newseum with AAUW members from across the country

Branch members with family and friends

An Evening with Lisa Maatz!

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Lisa Maatz, Vice President of Government Relations at AAUW,  was the speaker for our branch meeting on November 19. She gave an update of AAUW’s work on Capitol Hill and had great stories to share. Branch members and guests loved her sense of humor and were impressed with her ideas about how we could participate more fully to move AAUW’s mission forward.

Proudly displaying our AAUW banner at the Mt Vernon District Meet and Greet Event on September 16, 2015.


Co-President Peggy Knight – League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area – moderated this  Meet and Greet Event.


AAUW of Virginia is co-sponsoring the Fairfax County Meet and Greet events.  Our branch contributed funds again this year to the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area towards the filming and editing of these events.

Two Members Attend Lobby Day on May 8, 2014

Patsy Quick and Cathy Krebs headed to D.C. on May 8 to participate in AAUW’ of VA’anne lobby days Lobby Day.  We were briefed by Anne Hedgepeth (first photo, red dress) from AAUW, and escorted by Lobby Corps members to 4-5 delegates’ offices to lobby for the Family Act.  There were over 30 of us, including Lobby Corps members, participating!

We learned that Lobby Corps members are extremely organized and professional as they walk about the halls of Congress.  We had fun and were glad to have had the experience!  Photos: Middle, Patsy Quick; right, Sandy Lawrence, Woodbridge Branch member of Lobby Corps, both visiting a member of the House of Representatives.

Patsy lobby day

sandy lobby day

We went to Smith Mountain for the 2014 State Conference in April!

2014 state conference3 2014 state conferenc 2014 state conferenc4 2014 state conferenceSix Mt. Vernon Branch members attended the AAUW of Virginia Conference at Smith Mountain Lake on April 4-6, 2014.  AAUW of Virginia charted a course for continued efforts towards Equal Pay for Women,  the focus on STEM issues, and laws to eliminate Human Trafficking.  We had a lot of fun, too!  And, Shirley and Edie won raffle baskets!

Dr. Barbara Ryder was AAUW of Virgina’s Woman of Achievement.  She has an amazing career in computer science.  Currently she is at  Virginia Tech as Chair of the Computer Science Department.  Her photo is top right.


March 22, 2014 Woodbridge AAUW Success Conference


On March 22, Joanne Clark, Mary Ellen Mehler and Patsy Quick attended Woodbridge Branch AAUW’s Girls+Math+Science+SUCCESS!! Conference at Marsteller Middle School.  We were impressed by the organization & the number of engaged participants.  The presenters were excellent!

In their 24th year, the SUCCESS Conference is an annual event held each Spring where students in grades 5-12 in Prince William County, Manassas, and Manassas Park Public Schools, are treated to a day of workshops with professionals working in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

Success Conf. 2 SUCCESS Conf. 2014

January 16 FAIR Girls Program Great Success!

fair girls jan 2014The January 16 program on FAIR Girls was a huge success!  We had a large and very generous crowd who were wowed by our energetic speaker, Teresa Tomassini, Director of Programs for FAIR Girls, INC and Amoy Stephen, a client (and Joanne Clark’s mentee with Empowered Women International).

This message is from Teresa Tomassini, “Your audience was quite generous last night and all donations will be going directly to our case management fund which allows us to continue providing direct services for survivors. Thank you. It means so much to me personally, to our entire team, and most importantly to the young people we work with.”

We hope to partner with FAIR Girls again some time soon.

FAIR Girls prevents the exploitation of girls worldwide with empowerment and education. Through prevention education, compassionate care, and survivor inclusive advocacy, FAIR Girls creates opportunities for girls to become confident, happy, healthy young women.

Photo, left to right: Amoy Stephen, Teresa Tomassini, Joanne Clark

November 17, 2013 Program on the Affordable Care Act

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On Sunday, September 17, Mt. Vernon and Alexandria Branches presented a program on the Affordable Health Care Act.  Not only did we learn a lot, but we enjoyed the opportunity to meet with our Alexandria neighbors at their lovely meeting place in Cameron Station.  Our two speakers, Arthur E. Peabody and Elinor Abraham, were very professional and knowledgeable.


October Program Was Great!

Oct 2013 programHeartfelt thanks go to DeJuana Jones for planning the successful branch program on October 17.  We learned how meditation, quality foods and alkaline water all help us lead our busy lives in the best health possible.

Thanks also go to Cathy Krebs who brought delicious healthy snacks.

Pictured left to right are DeJuana Jones; speakers Sarina Griswold, Leah Tasman, Elaine Gibson; and Program Chairs Joanne Clark and Joanna Crane.



We Walked for the Homeless

walkk for homeless 2 walk for homeless 1Several members of the Mt. Vernon branch represented AAUW at the Walk for the Homeless on September 21.  The walk was held at the home of Elaine Kolish, who is both a member of the Mt. Vernon Branch and President of the UCM Board of Directors.  Other branch members and neighbors contributed financially to the success of the walk, which netted $1,200 for UCM’s work with homeless citizens in the Mt. Vernon Community.

Thanks to everyone who walked or contributed!